About Us

Who We Are

When the Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI) decided to use its philanthropic efforts to address education and health issues, it specifically selected VOUCH, Voluntary Organization for the Upliftment of Children, for close attention. Over the past ten years the 50+ member Committee has widened it scope to include Advocacy and Mentorship activities while staying true to it’s focus on early childhood Education.

The Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI) is a committee of the United Way of Jamaica and is governed by the principles of that organization. We were launched ten years ago by former Ambassador of the United States to Jamaica, Sue Cobb who remains an Associate Member.

We achieve our mission as a Sisterhood of women implementing and sustaining projects in the areas of education, health, advocacy, mentorship and women’s development.

Our members are dynamic women at varying levels of leadership in a cross section of professions and sectors of Jamaica, and who have a strong social responsibility and the desire to serve her community.

Mission Statement

To build bridges of cooperation in developing, implementing and sustaining projects, which contribute to the well-being of all Jamaicans.

Our Vision

Building bridges for a better Jamaica.



The three main committees are:

  • Education
  • Advocacy and Health
  • Mentorship

These committees are charged with the responsibility of spearheading the fulfillment of the organizations mission and vision by developing and implementing projects in their respective areas.

The support for the organization  consists of the following functionalities:

  • Treasury
  • Public Relations, Fundraising & Event
  • Membership and Orientation

Each committee and functionality is headed by  a Chair and a Deputy-Chair.

Our Meetings

As part of our efforts to ensure accountability and follow-through on activities implemented, the organization arranges meetings on a regular basis to facilitate reporting and feedback. 

General meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at the Pegasus Hotel and the Executive Committee meetings are held at different intervals. 

Other committees generally meet as the need arises.